Fashion Ecommerce Management & Digital Marketing

Corsi online di Ecommerce e Digital Marketing con Certificazione

Un corso con un taglio pratico e a diretto contatto con professionisti affermati del settore Fashion & Luxury. Il corso si rivolge a professionisti del settore moda che vogliano acquisire una visione a 360° dei processi ecommerce e digital marketing e sviluppare la loro carriera in questo settore.

Panoramica del corso

Learn end-to-end Fashion Ecommerce Management & Digital Marketing

Partendo da esperienze di rinomati professionisti del settore, nel settore della moda e del lusso, imparerai tutto ciò che occorre per diventare un Professionista della moda digitale certificato


Certifica le tue competenze di Digital Business Management in un settore in crescita

✔ Acquisisci le conoscenze e le competenze che ti consentiranno di lavorare nelle divisioni di e-commerce di moda, direct-to-consumer, e-wholesale e marketing digitale di moda ai massimi livelli.

✔ Apprendi competenze di gestione dell'e-commerce di moda approfondite. (per esempio come strutturare un business plan per l'e-commerce, come organizzare l'e-commerce e come gestire un team di e-commerce)

✔ Studia e lavora alla creazione e gestione di strategie di marketing digitale, campagne e progetti SEO.

✔ Ottieni una conoscenza approfondita di moda e-commerce store management, merchandising, finanza, piattaforme e-commerce, pagamenti, logistica e legale,


⇢ Online

⇢ 24 settimane
⇢ Oct 2024

⇢ €2,450

⇢ Fashion Ecommerce Management & Digital Marketing
⇢ Tassa d'esame inclusa

⇢ 4 ore a settimana

How to participate in this course

Flexible learning: take this course wherever you are

  • Mix of live virtual classrooms and self-paced on-demand lessons
  • You should be prepared to dedicate around 4 hours per week to this course
  • The next course starts October 2024
  • Over 24 weeks you’ll have access to approximately 80 hours of lessons
  • The live lessons will be recorded and always available on-demand for reviewing even outside of class hours
  • You can engage remotely with teachers and colleagues through our platform

Programma del corso

To have more detailed information about this course, download our brochure

Nome e descrizione del modulo
Introduction to the Fashion Industry & Digital Business

Learn the essential notions of fashion business models, fashion distribution models, traditional and digital sales channels, market structure, brand positioning, fashion product lifecycle, collections structure, merchandising categories and seasons concepts. Excellent for individuals making a transition to the fashion industry from different sectors or those looking to delve deeper into the inner workings of fashion companies.
Strategia per l'e-commerce di moda & Organizzazione

One of the core modules in this course, you’ll learn how to elaborate an ecommerce business plan for a fashion business, create a 5-years plan and plan a roadmap to achieve the goals established in the business plan e design a digital business strategy for growth and learn how to make decisions about which activities to insource or outsource to reach your financial targets.
Fashion Finance: master financial planning & cost control for a healthy ecommerce P&L

In this on-demand lesson and live workshop you’ll acquire the essential knowledge of financial KPIs, budgeting process and financial controls best practices used in fashion companies. You will learn the essential financial metrics ad esempio Gross and Net revenue, Margine lordo, Operating Margin, EBIT and EBITDA. You will understand the budget process and the logic behind the financial targets and the company evaluation based on profitability. You’ll learn essential strategies to ensure a profitable ecommerce and managing cost of stock and investments.
E-commerce Operations: Logistics Management

Acquire the essential knowledge to coordinate and oversee e-commerce operations which include: logistics management, shipping, customer service and online payments.
E-commerce Operations: Customer Service organisation, processes & KPIs

Learn how to organise the customer service team and processes for fashion ecommerce. Learn the strategies and tools to manage customer enquiries efficiently e transform the customer service cost into an opportunity to drive additional sales. You’ll learn the KPIs to measure efficiency and effectiveness of the customer service. Learn how to evaluate insourcing and outsourcing opportunities, we’ll explore case studies and digital solutions built by leading fashion brands to improve the customer service experience and online virtual selling.

Online Store Management & UX for Fashion Brands

Acquire the essential skills to implement a Commercial Plan for fashion ecommerce, organise a merchandising & promotional calendar, manage the Buying and Merchandising processes and update a fashion E-commerce website, implement design and optimisation, track sales and performance of your online store.
UX Design for Fashion Ecommerce

The success of fashion e-commerce is created by a mix of content, technology and User Experience Design. Despite the fact that e-commerce user experience is standardised in many aspects, there are important differences from brand to brand and between product categories that need to be accounted for in order to implement the most suitable user experience for the specific product-brand-user combination. In this lesson you’ll learn the essential techniques to design and optimise the user experience for your users and you’ll learn how to measure the effectiveness of your web interface.
Fashion Gestione dei marketplace

In this module In this course, you will acquire the skills to manage marketplaces as a sales channel for fashion brands. The course covers the explanation of marketplace business logics, business and logistical models, analysis of the profit and loss of the marketplace channel, and the study of KPIs for performance monitoring.
The course includes a workshop with a simulation of P&L analysis and merchandising strategy for marketplaces.

In this module you’ll learn about cross border e-commerce management, doing e-business in foreign markets such as the Far East, Middle East and Africa. You’ll learn about relevant digital sales channels in different markets and how to meet local markets customers expectations via localisation and optimisation of the websites for cultural differences.
Customer Relationship Management

Study the strategies and techniques that fashion companies apply to create customer satisfaction and loyalty. This module covers both strategic and technological aspects of CRM. This short course is made of a 2-hour on-demand lesson and 2-hour live virtual class workshop with the teacher.
Tecnologia per l'e-commerce di moda

Gain an overview and understanding of the E-commerce platforms most frequently used by fashion companies such as Adobe Commerce, Shopify and Salesforce. You’ll also learn about other technology generally adopted by fashion brands for their e-commerce infrastructures such as Marketing Technology tools, Product Information & Asset Management, Order Management Systems & AI Applications. You will explore Omnichannel Digital Communication including Digital in store applications and Omnichannel customer care.
Aspetti legali essenziali dell'e-commerce di moda

Acquire the essential knowledge of international Privacy Laws such as GDRP, e-commerce consumers rights and fiscal aspects to run cross border e-commerce in compliance with local and international law. The short course includes a lesson on Cybersecurity.
Web Analitica & Intelligenza aziendale

Study the KPIs utilised by fashion companies to track performance of digital channels and learn how to use some of the analytics tools utilised by fashion companies for analysing performance of digital campaigns. We will also look at the most recent Artificial Intelligence platforms used for predictive analytics.
Digital Marketing Strategy & Budget

In this module we’ll explore and discuss how to structure the budget for Digital Marketing for a Fashion E-commerce Business. The Goal is to ensure the e-commerce websites achieves the targets of traffic and conversion rate to reach the expected revenue. In this lesson you’ll learn how to orchestrate the different traffic acquisition channels in a comprehensive digital strategy to reach the revenue targets for your e-commerce.
In the second part of this lesson we’ll have the heads of Digital Departments from Leading fashion brands to explain their approach and discuss strategies and techniques with the participants.
Omnichannel Marketing & Content Strategy

In this lesson we’ll explore solutions and applications to leverage digital solutions in Bricks and Mortar stores, we’ll discuss online to offline and offline to online strategies and solutions. We’ll learn how to create engaging content that can be utilised across different sales channels to generate both organic and paid traffic.
Newsletter Design and Contact Planning

In this lesson and workshop we’ll work together on the creation of a contact plan and the design of newsletters. We’ll analyse best practices and examples of strategies from leading fashion and luxury brands. You’ll learn how to design effective newsletters for both desktop and mobile devices, you’ll learn about email automation processes such as welcome cycles, data enrichment and automated campaigns.
Performance Marketing for Fashion E-commerce

Deep dive into the digital communication best-practices with senior managers and professionals from specialising agencies.
In this module you’ll learn how to create a digital marketing strategy and implementation plan. You’ll gain hands-on experience on frequently used tools for digital advertising and social media marketing. We’ll discuss the best practices adopted by leading fashion and luxury brands.
Ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca

In this workshop you’ll acquire hands on-experience to master the most advanced tools needed to optimise your e-commerce for search engines. This short course is composed of a on-demand lesson and a live workshop in virtual classroom with teachers.
Wrap up session

Certificazione del corso

Certificare le proprie competenze

Digital Fashion Academy ti offre la possibilità di certificare le tue competenze e diventare un Professionista della moda digitale certificato. We have developed this certification exam in collaboration with Fashion brands, Digital Professionals, Agencies and Associations.

I certificati e i badge digitali DFA sono un riconoscimento dell'impegno e della dedizione profusi in questo percorso significativo, che verifica le vostre conoscenze e le vostre nuove competenze.

Potete condividerlo con il mondo attraverso i vostri profili social e avere l'opportunità di mostrare il vostro coinvolgimento a potenziali datori di lavoro, amici e familiari.

La tassa d'esame è inclusa nella quota di iscrizione degli studenti.

Fashion Management DFA Certification and Badge

A chi è rivolto questo corso?

Questo corso è per professionisti che vogliano iniziare o accelerare la propria carriera nelle divisioni digitali di aziende della moda.

✔ Professionisti junior che lavorano nei dipartimenti e-commerce di marchi di moda ed e-tailer che desiderano acquisire un insieme più ampio di competenze e accelerare la propria carriera

✔ Manager medio-senior nel settore della moda che hanno bisogno di ampliare il proprio set di competenze integrando le competenze tradizionali della moda con competenze digitali ed e-commerce

✔ Professionisti senior nei settori della moda e del lusso che desiderano acquisire una profonda comprensione dei processi che rendono le vendite online redditizie e di successo

✔ Consultants/ Suppliers to fashion brands who want to acquire essential Fashion and Ecommerce knowledge, best practices, KPIs

✔ Imprenditori o imprenditori che desiderano espandere il business online a un pubblico regionale/globale

✔ Professionisti in cerca di un cambio di carriera

Opportunità di carriera

The fashion industry is rapidly embracing digital and eCommerce channels, creating a surge in demand for professionals with expertise in these domains. By attending the Fashion Ecommerce Management & Digital Marketing Course and obtaining the Certificate you’ll acquire the skills required for the most sought-after profiles in the fashion industry for Digital and eCommerce management. You’ll acquire in-depth knowledge from senior professionals who will explain real success stories from fashion & luxury global companies, empowering you to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and contribute significantly to your company’s success.

By exploring the fundamentals of the ecommerce value chain, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected processes that bring fashion products from concept to customer’s doorstep.

Here below some examples of roles & profiles that are in line for this course of studies:

  • E-commerce Director: Oversees and manages the digital and eCommerce strategy for a fashion brand, ensuring seamless online shopping experiences and driving sales growth.
  • Chief Digital Officer, Chief Marketing Officer: Leads the overall digital strategy for a fashion brand, encompassing eCommerce, marketing, customer experience, and technological advancements.
  • IT Director or IT Manager: Steers the IT department of a luxury brand, ensuring technological infrastructure, data security, and innovation align with the brand’s vision and customer needs.
  • Project Management Officer: Oversees and manages complex projects across the fashion brand’s operations, ensuring timely, efficient, and budget-conscious execution.
  • CXO: the course provides the top management of a Fashion Brand, Reatilers and E-tailers wiith the set of skills and 360° understanding of all Digital Business Processes that affect the revenues and margins of the company.

Docenti del corso

Elevate la vostra esperienza di apprendimento con l'accesso diretto ai nostri esperti del settore

Sperimentate il unico vantaggio di apprendimento da parte di professionisti esperti e attivamente impegnati nel dinamico settore della moda digitale. Il nostro corso si distingue per inestimabile pratico approfondimenti e esperto conoscenza impartiti dal nostro team di docenti. Questi esperti portano con sé un bagaglio di esperienza di rinomati moda e lusso Marche, leader agenzie al servizio del settore della moda e del lusso, e globale tecnologia attori dedicati a fornire soluzioni innovative per i marchi di moda.

Alexandra Carvalho, Ecommerce Operations Expert
Filippo Chiari, Global Director Analisi e approfondimenti
Chiara Davanzo, Brand, Communication & Content Director
Enrico Fantaguzzi, Consulente E-commerce Fashion & Luxury
Mauro Lorenzutti, CTO & E-commerce Solution Architect
Marcello Messina, Worldwide Head of Global E-Business Director
Raffaele Nardò, Chief Digital Officer
Andrea di Nicolò, Direttore Ebusiness, Omnicanale e Digital Marketing
Marco Di Pietro, Imprenditore, Consulente Strategico
Ilaria Sartorato, Digital Retail Manager
Enrico Franco Roselli, Entrepreneur and Former CEO
Gianluigi Zarantonello, Direttore delle soluzioni digitali

Scopri tutti gli insegnanti >>

I nostri partner

Collaboriamo con aziende e agenzie di moda specializzate nel settore della moda e del lusso.

Come iscriversi


Pay now to enrol for Oct 2024.


Compilare il modulo per iscriversi al corso e richiedere la fattura


Payment plans are available. Set up pay by instalments

Borse di studio

Digital Fashion Academy in collaboration with our partners, are offering 10 scholarships to successful candidates. The scholarships are available on a first come first served basis and are awarded by the DFA committee and partners.

> Borse di studio complete: Aperto a neolaureati e giovani professionisti con meno di 2 anni di esperienza lavorativa.

> Borse di studio parziali: Disponibile per professionisti junior con meno di 4 anni di esperienza lavorativa.

Questa è l'occasione per imparare dagli esperti del settore, per essere al passo con la curva dell'ecommerce di moda e per entrare in contatto con persone che condividono la vostra passione per lo stile e l'innovazione. Click here to review the application process.

Corporate Training

Are you a company? Click here for information and enrolments: Corporate Training

Cosa dicono i nostri studenti

5 stars review DFA

"Grande corso di moda digitaleche copre tutti i pilastri digitali di un'azienda di moda, come ad esempio finanza, marketing, logistica, sito web, CRM, privacy, legale, prodotto, prezzo... e insegnanti altamente qualificati con anni di esperienza nel mercato della moda.
Molto interessante anche il workshop con casi concreti nell'ambiente della moda".

Benedetto, responsabile marketing digitale

"Consiglio questo corso a tutti coloro che sono interessati a intraprendere una carriera nel digitale e anche a coloro che già occupano posizioni manageriali.sia per la varietà degli argomenti trattati (una visione a 360 gradi) sia per l'aggiornamento sugli ultimi strumenti e sulle tendenze del mercato.
Enrico e il suo team sono estremamente disponibili e molto chiari nell'esposizione, tutti i relatori sono molto qualificati."

Martina, Specialista Merchandising Ecommerce

"Un'accademia di moda che offre un'ampia gamma di corsi che utilizzano un team di professionisti con decenni di esperienza. Nello specifico, il corso di Ecommerce management per la moda è stato ricco, completo, adatto sia a chi si sta avvicinando al mondo digitale sia a chi ne fa già parte.
Sicuramente consigliato a chi vuole approfondire e arricchire le proprie competenze e conoscenze."

Gabriella, Responsabile Ecommerce


Gain a 360° view of Digital Fashion

Coprirai una visione a 360°, dalle capacità imprenditoriali nell'area commerciale, alla comprensione della tecnologia, a come il design influenza le performance di vendita.

The DFA competence model represents the insieme di competenze che vengono considerati essenziale al ruolo di Responsabile della moda digitale.

I quattro cerchi al centro rappresentano le aree di studio:

  • Conoscenze e regole specifiche del settore della moda
  • Direzione generale: gestione e organizzazione
  • E-commerce Management: strategia, performance e innovazione
  • Digital Marketing: comunicazione del marchio, performance marketing
Digital Fashion competence model

Modello di competenza della Digital Fashion Academy © 2023

Avete bisogno di ulteriori informazioni?

If you need a personal consultation for choosing your course or getting advice about attendance of our courses, fees and financing, please set up a call with our staff by clicking the button here below. You’ll be redirected to a calendar where you can choose any available slot to book a call.

Domande frequenti

Se perdo una lezione dal vivo, posso guardare la registrazione?

Sì, tutte le classi virtuali saranno registrate e disponibili per la visione sulla piattaforma.

È possibile avere una borsa di studio per finanziare il corso?

Yes, there are several scholarships available. If you are interested in a scholarship, please apply here.

C'è un certificato alla fine del corso?

Sì. Digital Fashion Academy ti offre l'opportunità di certificare le tue competenze e di diventare un professionista della moda digitale certificato. Abbiamo sviluppato questo esame di certificazione in collaborazione con marchi di moda, professionisti del digitale, agenzie e associazioni.

Digital fashion academy

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