How to manage stress and anxiety

What are stress and anxiety what are they caused by and what are the symptoms, they effect on the body and how to relieve them.

What are stress and anxiety

Anxiety is the feeling generated by the idea of ā€‹ā€‹not being able to deal with a situation

When we do not know how to handle a problem, worry and uncertainty give rise to anxiety.

The stress is the result of overstimulating of our body.

When we submit ourselves to sustained efforts beyond the normal threshold of tolerance it is generated stress.

Anxiety is not always harmful, if contained and controlled it may be useful to counter the apathy. […] In this perspective, anxiety is a positive and vital phenomenon because it drives man to action, knowledge, understanding, competitiveness, creativity “

Anxiety is generated by one or more fears together often not clearly identified by the subject that suffers.

Symptoms of stress and anxiety

The effects of the stress can be felt and anxiety on your body because the mind is a whole with the body despite what people may think.

The most common effect of the stress is an excessive tension of the muscles connected with the spine that can cause pain at the level of shoulder, neck and lower back

This pain around the neck and shoulders area can be caused by the fact that we are missing some information/tools/resources that we need to complete our work.

According to the bioenergetic theory the arms are the tools that the human body naturally use tocatch and give“, so the natural tendency of the body, would be to extend the arms and reach out to something when we need it. When we cannot acquire something by extending our arms and reaching out to it, the motion energy that we should use to catch is blocked at the neck and shoulders level causing eccessive muscular contraction in this area.

When the pain is located at the lower back is because we have accumulated to much negative energy that we need somehow to consume/use but we are not able to do so.

Techniques for managing anxiety

  • Decompose the problem or the goal in small parts that taken in isolation generally they tend to be less difficult objective in its entirety.
    • Prevent: 
    • – Organize a timetable for action: before the important and urgent, 
    • then those urgent but not important, 
    • then those important and not urgent, and 
    • Finally, there are important or urgent it.
      • The beginning and end of the day, make a list of things to do with relative priority. 

Problem solving diagram: analysis of the causes

  • Here below is a diagram you can use to solve complex problems

Dont’s at work

Do not vent their anxieties on employees as it is neither productive (demoralized and demotivated) or correct, the flow has to rise to the top.Do not put off some activities because we don’t like them. Procrastinating only contributes to accumulatestressful situations that grow bigger and bigger. Solution: start tackling the problem even if you won’t be able to completely solve it. It is sufficient to get get the ball rolling and then allow to problem to slowly break down until the solution will be clear to you.

Related topics

Time management;

Priority management;

Problem Solving

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